Potter Ridge is now open for indoor visitation! Once again, thank you for your understanding and patience during this pandemic which has that has led us to this moment. Now that most residents and staff have received the second dose of the vaccine, we feel it is now safe to proceed with indoor visitation. Please remember that although we continue to move forward, we do still need to proceed with caution and follow the safety policies and procedures that are in place.
Indoor Visitation will be suspended should one and/or both situations occur.
- A new onset COVID case in a resident or staff member within the last 14-days, indoor visits will be suspended.
- Each week, the county positivity rate will be reviewed to determine if indoor visitation can occur. If the county positivity rate is 10% or greater, indoor visits will be suspended apart from compassionate care and essential caregiver visit. Below are instructions should you wish to check this rate.
County Positivity Rate:
MDH: https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/stats/index.html
Select the Weekly Test Rate by County of Residence link and download the Weekly Percent of Tests Positive by County of Residence (CSV) file. Add the numbers of the two most recent weeks in Goodhue county and divide by two to determine the 14-day county positivity rate. Assisted Living / HWS must use the State positivity rate.
- Additional factors for consideration; adequacy of staffing, universal source control access, access to sufficient PPE, local hospital capacity, and adequate screening procedures for staff and visitors.
FAQ on Indoor Visitation
- How do we sign up for Indoor Visitation? We use an online sign up system called Sign Up Genius. The link is https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904044ba4a728a1f58-indoor. This link is also posted to our Facebook page and our website potterridge.com.
- If I am having troubles signing up and/or do not use the internet who should I contact to help me? Emily Faust, Community Life Coordinator by calling 651-388-1546 ext. 5 or via email [email protected].
- Are days and times limited? Currently, yes. We need to make sure everyone entering Potter Ridge is aware of our safety procedures prior to extending weekends when there are not extra staff on hand to assist and train new visitors.
- Can we sign up for back to back appointments? No, we want an opportunity for all families and loved ones to visit.
Criteria all visitors must follow.
- Entry Screening: The Filtr Pass System, staff will ensure that they check your sticker that will print out to ensure that you qualify to enter.
- Visitor Sign-in and Out: All visitors are asked to sign in upon arrival to the facility.
- Hand Hygiene: Visitors will perform hand hygiene before walking through the building. Alcohol-based hand rub is available for persons visiting residents and signage is present throughout the facility for hand hygiene.
- Facemask Required: Residents will wear a mask as tolerated, and visitors will be required to wear a surgical face mask (these may be purchased at your local pharmacy). The visitor will be required to provide the face mask.
- Limited Visitor Movement in Building: The visitor must take a straight path to the resident room. This means visitors cannot stop to ‘chat’ with other residents in the hallway, etc. during the visit. Visitors will be asked to minimize restroom use in the facility.
- Visitation Schedule: Visitors must call or sign up, in advance, to schedule visitation times.
- Number of Visitors are Limited in the building at any given time to 10.
- Physical Contact is Not Permitted: Due to the risk of exposure, holding hands, kissing and other forms of physical contact is not allowed during visits. Physical contact standards may be different for compassionate care visitors or essential caregivers.
- Restrictions for Children & Pets: Visitors under age 12: are the responsibility of the adults who bring them, and children must comply with social distancing and face covering requirements.
- Pets are allowed during visiting. Any pets visiting must be under the control of the visitor. Residents may interact with pets brought for visiting.
- Social Distancing: All visitors must maintain 6 feet social distance.
- Taking Residents Outdoors (weather permitting): Residents may accompany their visitors outside for a walk, maintaining 6 feet of social distance. Pushing a wheelchair is an acceptable activity while wearing Personal Protective Equipment.