All indoor visitation must be scheduled in advance by going to the following link:
Indoor visitation will start on Monday, October 19th, 2020. The limit of visitors allowed in the building at one time is set to ten (10) people and no more than (2) people per apartment. This number includes children of all ages.
Visitors may not enter the building until they have been screened and must wear a self-provided surgical mask. If a visitor is not able to accommodate wearing a mask for any reason or is found not to be in compliance during the visit, Potter Ridge staff will immediately ask the visitor to leave the community. There is absolutely no exceptions. All face masks must cover the nose and mouth. Visitors must go directly to and from the resident apartment only and limit restroom use while visiting. Visitors may not stop to talk with other residents.
Visitation times will be as scheduled by staff only. If you are needing assistance in signing up, please contact Emily Faust, Community Life Coordinator at 651-388-1546 ext.5. We thank you following our safety practices so we may continue to keep our resident, staff, and other visitors safe. To find out the most recent dates of visitation please reference the link above or you may call our COVID-19 Communication Line at 651-388-1546, ext. 8.
We warmly welcome you back to Potter Ridge!