Dear Families and Loved Ones~
Outdoor Visitation available dates are Wednesday, Sept. 23 and Friday, Sept. 25. No other dates at this time are scheduled. Sign up by clicking on the below link.
Potter Ridge has a new telephone system installed in our administrative offices. When you call our main line at 651-388-1546 you will be prompted to dial the extension of the staff member you are seeking. You will also notice there is a new extension option, Ext. 8 called Covid Communication Update. This is a recorded line for any updates that are Covid related. Recorded updates will consist of the Level 1 or 2 our community is in, Outdoor Visitation dates, and more. Our goal is for you to have a quick option to receive the very latest.
Many questions of our Indoor Visitation policy have been asked. As a reminder, each week we need identify through the Minnesota Department of Health’s Weekly Case Rate tracking tool to determine if we are at a Level 1 or 2; this determines if we are able to allow visitors in the community for visits. To determine the 14-day case rate on the MDH webpage Weekly Case Rate by County of Residence you may go to;…/stats/index.html…
Due to us neighboring with Pierce County, their numbers also need to be factored in. Potter Ridge is currently at a Level 1. The Minnesota Department of Health has issued recommendations for visitation and activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Outlined below is the difference between Level 1 and Level 2.
*Non-Essential visitors are not allowed in the facility
*Exceptions will be made for approved essential caregivers or for compassionate care visits.
*Outdoor visits are allowed (if staff are available until a Community Life Coordinator is hired).
*Window visits are allowed.
*Visitors must wear a mask or other face covering at all times.
*Limit of 2 visitors per apartment at a time.
*Limit of 5 visitors to the community at a time.
*Visitors under age 12 must be supervised by the adults who bring them in.
*They must also follow social distancing and face covering requirements.
*All visitors must go directly to the resident apartment or designated visiting area.
*Visitors must limit movement in the facility.
*Outdoor walks are acceptable if keeping a 6 feet distance.
*Pushing a wheelchair is acceptable if wearing facemasks and other appropriate personal protective equipment.
*Visitors should try to use the facility restroom as little as possible.
*A wave is the safest way to greet a resident.
*Holding hands and kissing are not allowed during visits.
*A quick hug from behind, to the side, or with faces turned away while wearing face coverings is a lower-risk.
*Compassionate care visits, essential caregiver visits, outdoor visits, window visits are allowed
We appreciate the support you continue to show our community.Should you have additional questions you may reach out to Angela Budensiek, Executive Director or Cassie Diercks, RN. As always, the health and well-being of vulnerable adults and the staff who work in these facilities depends on you consistently following the practices.