Just a quick update to our indoor visitation procedure. Monday – Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. are welcomed to Potter Ridge without needing to sign up for an appointment. We also will be adding on weekend visitation for Saturdays and Sundays. Weekend visitation WILL require an advanced sign up via our indoor visitation link. You will need to check the sign up to see what is available to you. Should we have an open house, we also will need to take up a few slots during the week. The link for weekend visitation is;
Below there is a lot of information listed. Our residents will receive a hard copy of this and instructions posted at the front. Please do not hesitate to let any staff member know if you have questions.
Here is what you need to know:
1. Please touch base with your visitor prior to arrival so they may assist with letting you in the building.
2. When the visitor arrives to the building, they will need to look at the white board to make sure there are no more than 10 people in the building and requirement of no more than 2 visitors (regardless of any age) per apartment.
3. Times have been extended to no more than 2 hours per visitor per day.
4. Visitors prior to entering the last set of doors will need to go to the white board and fill required fields. Those fields will be your name and apartment number you are seeing. If more than two people, you must write on separate lines. You then need to enter the time you arrived and must remember to leave no more than 2 hours after your arrival.
5. Once you enter the building and our resident has opened the door for you or the other option would be to pick up the phone in the front entry way to get to the Care Provider on duty. Understand if they are with a resident, the phone may need to go to voicemail in which you will want to follow the instructions on the Care Provider cell phone voicemail.
6. When entering the building you will need to;
a.) sanitize your hands
b.) go to the sign in machine
c.) follow the steps for signing in; entering your name, phone number, email is optional, and person you are here to see followed by a series of questions, then you have to hit start scan for your temperature to be taken, when temperature has been taken you need to sign with your initials, and hit ‘print badge.’ Once the badge is printed you must wear it on your person where staff can clearly see if on you. You may not bypass this machine and you are responsible for wearing a surgical mask that you provide. If any of these policies or procedures are not followed staff have to ask you to leave the building. – you cannot bypass the machine and if you do you will be asked to leave. All visitors must only go to and from the resident’s apartment only. We know it’s hard not to stop and try to visit with other residents not seen in a while, but the health and wellbeing of our staff and residents rely on these protocols being consistently followed.
Indoor Visitation will be suspended should one and/or both situations occur.
1. A new onset COVID case in a resident or staff member within the last 14-days, indoor visits will be suspended.
2. Each week, the county positivity rate will be reviewed to determine if indoor visitation can occur. If the county positivity rate is 10% or greater, indoor visits will be suspended apart from compassionate care and essential caregiver visit. Below are instructions should you wish to check this rate.
County Positivity Rate: MDH https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/stats/index.html
Select the Weekly Test Rate by County of Residence link and download the Weekly Percent of Tests Positive by County of Residence (CSV) file. Add the numbers of the two most recent weeks in Goodhue county and divide by two to determine the 14-day county positivity rate. Assisted Living / HWS must use the State positivity rate.
Additional factors for consideration; adequacy of staffing, universal source control access, access to sufficient PPE, local hospital capacity, and adequate screening procedures for staff and visitors.
As a reminder, any resident that has received both doses of the vaccine are now able to leave the building at any time without having to be quarantined. Our bus trips for shopping and going out to eat have resumed. Indoor visitation or indoor dining has no changes as of now. We on the lookout for more changes as we move forward. All visitors moving forward will need to sign a consent that acknowledges all protocols.